OuR Bohl Family Genealogy

We have been collecting information on the ancestors of our Bohl family line over quite a number of years. We know that three Bohl brothers, Ferdinand G. Bohl, Carl Friedrich Bohl, and Johann Christoph Bohl, from Schoenehr, Kreis Laurenburg, Pommern, Prussia, separately made their way to Gasconade County Missouri in the 1850s. Johann Christoph Bohl, our direct Bohl ancestor, homesteaded a farm near Hermann, Missouri in a village named Stolpe.

To the best of our knowledge, the information in the following descendant chart is accurate and it shows that George Bohl, likely born in Kreis Laurenburg, Hinterpommern, Prussia, is the furthest back direct Bohl ancestor that we’ve been able to trace. We would love to compare notes and hopefully gain more data from anyone doing research on this family line. We are especially interested in learning about the family lines of siblings of the three brothers that that stayed in Pommern.  We expect that their descendants were likely expelled to East or West Germany at the end of WWII. A table below provides other family names of interest. We are especially interested in Schuetz, Feil, Loehnig, Koerner, and Kaiser.

Gustav and Hulda (Hoppe) Bohl

From Schonehr, Pommern
Aboard the
SS Hermann
TO hermann, Missouri

Johann Christoph Bohl, his wife Anna, and their children left Schoenehr, Pommern, Prussia and then traveled on the SS Hermann from Bremerhaven, Germany to New Orleans, USA.  They arrived October 24, 1856.  They then made their way to Hermann, Missouri. Johann was my Great, Great Grandfather.

Bohl Family Tree

Names we are researching